a time to every purpose, under heaven
Here we are again at a turning of the season. Yesterday was the equinox and we are sliding into fall in this corner of creation. Most of us have survived another summer, and even though it was smoke filled and extremely busy around here, it was a beauty.
Most of us survived, and I want to acknowledge that some have died. We’ve lost beloved members of our own congregation, community members, and travelers passing through. For me there has been a lingering sense of loss this summer. Every life, every person in this world is unique, special, and precious. Every death touches us in some way. I believe that is because we are all connected. Every birth adds a new member to our family, and every death subtracts. We are truly all in this together.
This connection that we all share, the beauty and joy and grief that comes with life on earth is a bond of love. The only source of life that makes any sense to me is God. Whom we know to be love.
So we can and we will, as we have always done, weep and laugh together, figure out a way forward, succeed at times and fail at times. We’ll spread love through this valley and beyond because that’s what we do. And, St. John’s family, I am blessed to know you. You do it so well.
Peace, Brian