Assisting Bishop Named

With thanks to our God, the Standing Committee announces The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori will serve as Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Wyoming.
Jefferts Schori was the first female presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church from 2006–2015. From 2017 to 2019, she was an assisting bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego. Since 2019, Jefferts Schori has been one of the assisting bishops in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.
Jefferts Schori will begin work in early July. As Assisting Bishop, her duties include working pastorally with congregations and clergy around grief and loss. She will also work with the Commission on Ministry and those in the ordination process, and preside at rector installations, confirmations, receptions and other regional gatherings.
“Our work screening bishops for this position was a profound spiritual journey,” said The Rev. Camie Dewey of the Standing Committee. “All candidates were excellent, but it was Katharine’s healing presence and experience with grieving communities that made her our final choice.”
With much excitement and anticipation,
The Standing Committee
The Episcopal Church in Wyoming