Connect to Belong

One of the things we do best as a church community is connect, whether it is on Sunday mornings, at meetings and gatherings or at special events. A database seems pretty mundane, yet good data allows us to connect with each of you in a variety of creative ways. Find us in Hansen Hall during coffee hour for our final Sunday this week.
For most of you, although not all, we have basic contact information, your individual and family names, mailing addresses, e-mails, and phone numbers. Over the next several weeks, we are making a big effort to build out our information—physical addresses, part-time addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, and more. We encourage each of you to take a few minutes to fill out a form—online or pick up a hard copy at church.
Thank you for helping us to better connect with each of you. Realm brings our church community online, so that we can stay in contact. You can manage your personal and contact information, donate, see your giving history, and connect easily with others in the congregation all from a computer or mobile device and is a private environment only for our church.