God + Language
Tuesday, January 24, 2023, 7:45 AM
There are countless ways of experiencing God; and the ways in which we hear God described in our liturgy, our culture, and our scripture all shape what and who we imagine God to be. We invite you to join St. John's clergy team on Sundays in February between services for a series of conversations to help us explore the ways in which we experience, think, imagine, and talk about God. We invite you to bring open ears, soft hearts, and inquiring minds to these conversational meetings, each of which will be led by a member of our clergy team.
The purpose of these classes will be to create a space for open, generous conversations about God's identity, based on the language and imagery we find in scripture, in our Prayer Book liturgies, and in our experiential encounters with God's love. Through guided dialogue, we'll spend some time looking at the history and theological dimensions of the language we use in church, and explore all the ways that we experience God's presence in our worship and wider lives.