Incoming Present
You’re gonna get a present if you’re in church on Sunday. It’s not a Christmas present. It’s an Advent present. There’s one for each of us and plenty to share around the community, too, if you want. It’s my sincere hope that this little trinket—this little tool will help us embrace the season of Advent. That the present will help ground us in the present, so that we might move through Advent with our eyes and our hearts wide open and ready—wide open and ready to receive the Christ Child when he comes, again. It’s my hope that we might see the star that signals his arrival and guides us to his presence. That we might feel his Kingdom coming.
Advent and the run up to the holidays collide each year imposing certain challenges to our ability to stay focused and open. Sometimes the rush and crush of the holidays can overtake and obliterate our ability to celebrate God’s nearness to our lives and the lives of those we love.
Let’s focus together this year. Let’s stay present to the coming of the Kingdom, even in the face of the busy-ness and distraction of the holidays. I firmly believe God is in the midst of us always. And, I know how hard it is to see that to feel that at times of stress or suffering or sorrow. It’s not that God has left our midst, but rather our attention is focused elsewhere. And, I believe we can practice our way out of it, too!
I’ll say more on Sunday. I hope to see you there!