Random Acts of Gardening
On June 6, the Service Committee hosted coffee hour with a project called Random Acts of Gardening. Thanks to everyone who participated and donated pots including the Browse ‘N Buy, over 40 pots were planted by gardeners age 3 to 90. The event was a huge success, the ice cream went quickly with smiles on every face and the Service Committee is considering this as an annual project. Listen to these success stories. One plant was donated to a terminally ill person and family member. Another to a classmate who had been bullied. A young 8-year-old with a full heart handed out a plant to tourists. The volunteers pictured here are young community members looking for a volunteer opportunity. They were like angels who suddenly appeared and spent nearly 5 hours nonstop setting up, helping us fill pots with beautiful flowers and cleaning up. A spirit of generosity, love and connection filled our church and community.
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