Season of Lent
The second most important thing we need to remember as Christian people is there’s more y’all than you, more we than me in this life God invites us to lead. The opportunity to, the need for, the inclination toward connecting with one another, the building of relationships of all sorts and kinds is a part of the mission of becoming the people we were made to be, people made in the image of God, who we know to be love.
And, yet, it’s challenging, isn’t it? It’s hard to create and maintain relationships.
It’s takes time, intention, effort in an era where we feel short on time, distracted, and sometimes lack motivation.
But, I suppose we know that the Good Life doesn’t drift toward us, that it requires patience and perseverance. It sometimes requires us to buck the system or move counter the culture. Honestly, that’s no big deal for those of us who call Jackson home. We’re used to that.
During the Season of Lent, the one that began with Ash Wednesday, we’ll offer a series of events that are meant to provide some assistance to us in the building up of connection. We’ll have dinner together on Wednesday nights. We’ll have a couple of opportunities for you to join a smaller group of folks for dinner together. And, on Sunday, as is becoming our custom on the first Sunday in Lent, we’ll hand you a “tool”— something meant to assist in the building up of connection and relationship.
This work is, of course, important AND slow. So, we’ll tackle it together! See you Sunday or I’ll see you around. I’m looking forward to connecting.