Take off the cape, Superwoman

How did we go from this...
to this...
Sara Flitner's talk last Wednesday reminds us that when we are called into motherhood, it is a sacred call that awakens our inner superhero and inspires us to want to make the world a better place.
And while we may have the best intentions for self-care, our needs often get lost in the mix. That manifests in a way that leaves us feeling like we have to solve everyone's problems (especially our kids') or that we have to be everything to everyone ALL. THE. TIME. which leads to burn out. The problem with that, is that we can't give what we don't have.
We have to start by listening. Sara led us through an incredibly powerful listening exercise where we sat with a partner and listened for 2 minutes without responding. What came up for many of us were a mix of feelings that ranged from awkward to surprised to empowered. Most agreed though that it was a gift to be listened to and to actively listen. When we don't hear an immediate response to our words, it allows us the space to hear what's really going on inside. And when we are actively listening, it relieves us of the need to prepare a response so that we can be fully present and connected to each other.
Try it with a friend or with yourself. What comes up?