St. John's Columbarium

St. John’s Episcopal Church of Jackson Hole operates the columbarium. The Columbarium operates under the guidelines of the St. John's Columbarium Trust, is supervised by the St. John's Columbarium Trustees, and is licensed by the State of Wyoming Insurance Commission.
Interment within the church for the cremated remains of loved ones is available in St. John's Columbarium. St. John's Columbarium is located in a quiet chapel on the north side of the sanctuary. This sacred space within the confines of our church provides a special place of remembrance. The niches are located behind beautiful fossil rock squares, each concealing four spaces.
Upon the death of a columbarium holder, the rector arranges with the family of the deceased for interment of the ashes. An urn is obtained through the church office. No other items may be placed in a niche. After interment, the name will be inscribed on the stone faceplate of the niche. The columbarium is accessible when the church is open, and at other times by arrangement. The columbarium is maintained by St. John’s in a manner conducive to prayer and meditation.
Fees for the columbarium are
- $1,200 per person for members of St. John's (to see full definition of member, click here)
- $2,400 per person for non-members
All fees for a columbarium niche as established by the Trustees shall be paid in full to the Trust prior to the issuance of the license for interment. Fees include the urn and the perpetual maintenance of the columbarium. Interest and payment plans are available. If you wish to use a credit card, please use our online payment form.
Columbarium Application | Members
Columbarium Application | Non-Member
Columbarium Interment Authorization