Care of the Soul Retreat
Join us on February 17 for this retreat, Care of the Soul: Comprehensive Practice and Support for a Flourishing Life
Mary Oliver asks, “Are you breathing just a little and calling it life?”
Dr. Pittman McGehee and The Reverend Jimmy Bartz will spend the day looking clear-eyed at the implications of “breathing just a little, and calling it a life.” They will move through six beats offering a map from comprehensive care of the soul that are the building blocks of flourishing life. Together, their teaching and conversation promises to bring a sense of how we move forward individually and together to support each other and ourselves in the pursuit of wholehearted living. Jimmy and Pittman will draw from both their professional backgrounds and their nearly three decade-long friendship of nurture, trust and challenge to one another.
This one-day retreat begins at 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. with an hour break for lunch. Join us at St. John's Church in Hansen Hall.
Free, RSVP to attend below.
Mindfulness Retreat
We look forward to seeing you at the Mindfulness Retreat on January 12. Please respond to to Liz Collins if your plans change or you'd like to bring a friend at [email protected] or 307-733-2603.
Tags: calendar / Connect / Formation / Events / Life Together / Student Ministry Activities