Dream Big Dreams
For the last couple of years, we’ve been organizing our seasons around themes. You might remember the wooden tokens supporting kindness or the lip balm emphasizing hospitality and welcome or the stones and spoons that helped us make stone soup together and focus on table fellowship and the deepening of our commitments to one another. Each of these themes are meant to help us grow spiritually—both individually and as a church, a faith family.
Our theme for this summer is DREAMING! We want to encourage our church to dream big dreams during the summer of 2018. As with each of these themes, we hope you’ll dream big dreams for yourselves—individually—and we hope you will dream big dreams for our church. How will we do that?
We’ll have some evening dream sessions beginning on June 18th. Come to church from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. Don’t worry about dinner, we’ll make it. There will be some fun activities for your kiddos to join in on, too. Monday nights for five weeks we’ll talk about the practice of dreaming and visioning.
We plan to collect all these dreams and see if we can turn them into a plan—a dreamy vision for our future. We’ll do that by writing down what we talk about on Monday nights in the dreaming sessions.
We will turn the bulletin boards in Hansen Hall into places where you can post ideas or images or thoughts. And, especially for our satellites—the Chapel of the Transfiguration and St. Hubert the Hunter—we’ll have an email: [email protected] where you can send us your dreams and visions for the future of our faith community and the communities they serve.
We’re serious about this (though we’re good humored, too.) To that end, we’re giving each of you a dreaming tool to use throughout the summer. A special, mysteriously powerful pillowcase.
Use it, please! Seriously! We hope this will set your imagination free in dreaming how our churches can be powerful tools for making a love-spreading difference in the present and future.
So, sweet dreams, church! Know that God who is love is watching over you as you sleep and is our partner in the love work we might dream up together this summer.
Tags: Connect / Life Together / Mission / Worship / Student Ministry Activities