Faith in Goodness
The same weekend that we were enjoying the last few sunny days of summer here in Jackson and gathering our church together on Consecration Sunday, we watched as Houston and other Texas Gulf Coast communities came apart under the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey. Many of you have asked me about my mom, who lives in Houston. Thank you. She’s fine and was spared from the devastation that fills our social media feeds and television screens. In a text from her this morning, she replied, “you know, this has restored my faith in goodness.” Others who have been rescued by the kindness of neighbors and strangers alike are certainly still reeling from the devastation they’ve had to endure over the course of the last week without thought to the long process of recovery ahead. Harvey is a terrible crisis for the people of Texas and for all of us here in the United States of America.
Be sure that our St. John’s, Jackson Community will respond with financial resource and direct care—If that becomes the most effective, prudent course of action to take. I think we all learned during the Katrina and Sandy responses that the recovery takes place after the crisis is over. We’ll wait and do our best to prepare for what might be needed in the present future of the chaos that is Hurricane Harvey.
I can’t tell you how proud I am to be a part of a church community that does so much for our local community, and at the same time is ready to saddle up and help people in other parts of our country and world. This morning, I walked back into Hansen Hall toward the bulletin board with the map of the United States and put a pin in Houston. I know I’m not the only one of us that wants to make a love-spreading difference there this year. If you haven’t taken the time to put a pin in the maps and make a commitment to help spread some love and make a difference, please do. If you are able and inclined, I ask you again to consider making a pledge to our annual stewardship campaign. We will require your generosity to continue to expand the love we spread.
I’m glad that my mom’s “faith in goodness” has been restored. My own faith in your goodness and in a loving God is so easily sustained since sitting in the middle of our St. John’s community. I believe the more we devote ourselves to doing “what we can, with what we have, where we are” the more we are able to do here, in Houston, on the Texas Gulf Coast, and in many other parts of the world that need an extra measure of love. And, love is our cause.
Tags: Stewardship Campaign / Mission / Ways to Give