Habitat Beloved Community Build Day
"In 2018, as we mark the 50th anniversaries of Dr. King’s tragic death and the passage of the Fair Housing Act, we renew our pledge to make the concept of a Beloved Community a reality,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity International. “This will never be a world of equality, of fairness, of human decency that leaves no room for poverty or prejudice or violence, unless we build it. And so we build."
The first Beloved Community Project will be a Beloved Community Build held on April 11, 2018 at The Grove jobsite located at 845 W. Snow King Ave. Habitat’s local effort will build on work being performed by other Habitats across the country undertaking Beloved Community projects, including the construction of new affordable homes, critical home repairs and community revitalization initiatives. Teton Habitat is planning another Beloved Community Project for fall 2018, involving local artists and public art.
Tags: Teton Habitat Build Days