Laundry [is] Love

More often than not, it is in what we may consider to be the most mundane of tasks where love is truly shown. Laundry is love. Love shows up. Time and time again, it is there. Quietly waiting. We have seen it at Laundry Love as we chat and wait for loads with new friends and acquaintances we meet perhaps only once, or maybe month after month at the laundromat. Endless quarters, cups of laundry soap and mounds of fruit we enjoy a sweet treat as we wait together. Waiting together for newly washed items to clean—to make anew. To reset. Chatting about things our lives entail—the puppy that has come into this sacred space to greet everyone, or a new opportunity that has presented itself. And, often hard times and welcomed joy. The connections made in this place are real. The truth that we connect over switching loads of wash and shuffling quarters makes it all the more apparent that THIS is what community does. It shows up. We show up.
Want to show up with us? Contact Liz in the office for more. We provide quarters, detergent and opportunities for connection on the second Thursday each month, from 5:30- 7:00 p.m. at the Jackson Laundromat.
Tags: Laundry Love / Events / Connect / Ways to Give