Setting the (Communion) Table
by: Annie Sampson
My Altar Guild service has been one of the most rewarding opportunities in my life. I had never served on an Altar Guild before I arrived at St. John's. When asked, I was honored. My mother was a member of her Altar Guild on Long Island for decades. Honestly, I didn't give it one thought growing up. I don't remember having even one conversation with my mom before she died in 2002 about her service on the Altar Guild. I met all of her Altar Guild team at her funeral, and I was moved by their love for her. Through my own experience, I have learned why my mother loved it so much and was devoted to this service.
For me, setting the table for Communion is a meditative and prayerful time.
I say a prayer before beginning and pray as I go, taking special care of all the vessels and linens. At the end of the set up, I stand at the front of the Altar where the congregation will sit, look, and pray that my service allows everyone in attendance to eat and drink and feel the love of Christ move through him or her. I personally feel a deeper closeness to God and to my mother as I do this service.
Another benefit to me is getting to know all of the amazing and wonderful women (we'd love to have men serve, too!) who make up our Altar Guild. They are dedicated and faithful. They have become dear, dear friends over the years. Being on the Altar Guild is heart work for me, and I hope and pray I can be of service in this way for many years to come.
Tags: Worship / Vestry / Ways to Give / Life Together